Protecting without protection
In the Aiki-jo movement called tsuki jodan gaeshi uchi, the jodan gaeshi time is not a protection time, it's an attack time...
In the Aiki-jo movement called tsuki jodan gaeshi uchi, the jodan gaeshi time is not a protection time, it's an attack time...
Tai no henka is not a technique, and yet there is no Aikido technique in which this "movement" is not present...
The sword is faster than the body; it always arrives a little before the body, and that's fundamental...
In the transition from chudan no kamae to waki no kamae, the sword is for a moment above the head, in perfect vertical alignment with the spine, like a symbol of the union of Heaven and Earth...
Ikkyo allows you to throw an opponent with destructive power at another opponent coming at a 90° angle.
Aikido is about the eternal return of the same thing : movement doesn't vary according to circumstances, it obeys a single law, a geometric law that governs the action.
Is it not on the edge of life and death that the ability to adapt to reality is best judged ?