Philippe VOARINO
Philippe Voarino studied at the dojo of the Founder of Aikido, in Iwama. Master Saito passed on his method to him, encouraging him to discover, beyond this teaching tool, the true art of O Sensei.
It’s not me
Who does the Aikido movement? I don't. I don't know who does it, but I know it's not me.
Kawaii Aikido
Aikido has become kawaii, cute. It is not legitimate to keep the name Aikido, because it is not the art developed by the founder Morihei Ueshiba.
Make love, not war !
Aikido techniques are designed to break, to destroy, and they're frighteningly effective at it.
Realtechnik and KUMIJO #7
The 4 techniques that make up the linear exercise known as kumijo 7 do not change when applied in all four directions.
Why has Morihiro Saito Sensei changed the teaching of kumijo n°7? Technical analysis and reasons for this change.