Which hip strikes the tsuki at the end of hasso gaeshi tsuki?
Well, it's logically the same as the one that strikes the tsuki in gaeshi tsuki.

There's no reason why the hips should be reversed within the same rotation logic:

The strikes are controlled by spirals. The energy is at its peak when the spiral reaches its end, and that's when the strike takes place. If you go beyond the maximum point of the spiral and then come back to strike against its direction, you lose all the benefit of the movement that has been initiated. I've already had occasion to say that in Aikido there is no back and forth, no pendulation like a Franc-Comtoise clock.

Rotation in relation to the four directions is the key to avoiding confusion when working with the hips:

‘You have to train always paying attention to the four directions’.
- O Sensei

Training forever in relation to a single line of attack prevents you from understanding the reality of the movements.